Adam Kovic Pictures, Wife, Biography, Wiki

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Adam Kovic 10 Personal Facts, Biography, Wiki

American actor

Born: February 25, 1985 (age 36 years), Los Angeles County, California, United States

Spouse: Jess Kovic (m. 2012)

Adam’s first musical viewing was Les Misérables

Adam has Galeophobia, a fear of sharks.

Adam talks and snores in his sleep, much to the dismay of his wife, Jess Kovic, and Bruce.

Adam made a video with the answer to life’s questions

Adam has revealed that he has appeared in two feature movies, these being ‘Girl Next Door’ and ‘Little Nicky’.

Adam Kovic said the infamous “like Skyrim with guns” quote, Adam Kovic defending the quote here

Adam was one of the lead singers (alongside Bruce Greene) in a song named ‘We love video games’ (which was created by the people behind ‘Friday’, ‘Thanksgiving’, and ‘Chinese Food’)

Is the nephew of Ron Kovic.

He looks very similar to Jeremy Dooley, often confusing people.

He first became a host with Machinima when the hit Xbox game Halo 3 was in its prime.

He was one of the original hosts (with SodaGod, aka Mike Rouse) of Inside Halo.

He was in a pilot for Machinima called Critical Flaw, a live-action production YouTube web series which didn’t succeed past the first season.

He has made appearances in/on On The Spot, Extra Life stream, The Gauntlet, various episodes of The Know, AHWU, a few Achievement Hunter Let’s Plays, as well as various episodes of Funhaus shows.

He has a thin tattoo around his left arm that says “God’s in his heaven. All’s right with the world.”

Originally penned by Robert Browning, Adam got the idea from the NERV logo in Evangelion.

His mother is a police officer.

Last name Kovačević from name Kovač [č read as ‘ch’ – ć read as ‘chy’], which means blacksmith.

He has worked with Bruce since mid-July 2012.

Adam Kovic 10 Pics, Photos, Pictures

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Adam Kovic 10 Fast Facts, Biography, Wiki

Adam was born and raised in the Los Angeles, California, where he currently resides but resided in Santa Clarita, California for his high school and college education.

His mother’s name is Suzanne Marie Goddard. He is of Czechoslovakian and Croatian descent.

His wife’s family is of Hispanic descent.

His dad’s side of the family comes from Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Croatia.

In terms of his heritage, he was raised speaking English, and has always spoken English (along with a bit of Spanish, having lived in Southern California his whole life) and hardly learned any of the languages of his dad’s side.

He cannot speak Czech or Croatian but has future plans to learn Japanese and German Even Kovic’s surname actually derives from Kovachevich/Cavachkovic, just like how his paternal uncle Ron Kovic’s father Eli was born with the last name Kovacevic in Chisholm, Minnesota to a Croatian immigrant mother Anna Delivuk.

Because he is of Croatian descent, his surname is pronounced as “Kovich” and it’s also a very common Croatian surname.

Kovač, which is a Croatian surname shortened form Kovačević, is a South Slavic surname meaning son of blacksmith or any other son of surnames ending in ković.

It ended up getting shortened when his family came to Ellis Island in America after World War II from Croatia and Yugoslavia, they changed Kovachievich to Kovic because America was founded on the belief that you can do anything as long as your name is less than three syllables and has no accents.

He said he’s of split Croatian and Czech heritage, ince that is where his grandparents were from.

He has a sibling named Jessica Marie and a brother Louis Bon “Louie” Kovic.

Adam’s paternal uncle is Ron Kovic, a Vietnam War veteran hero and anti-war activist upon whom the novel and film Born on the Fourth of July are based.

Born on the Fourth of July is a movie about his life. He was an activist during Vietnam for the war to end and also for reform in the treatment of disabled veterans and for better military hospitals.

Adam has previously confirmed this on the Inside Gaming subreddit as well as a video on his personal YouTube channel, stating that his father, uncle and grandfather served in the military. His father served in the Gulf War, while his uncle (Ron Kovic) served in Vietnam.

The movie Born on the 4th of July has Tom Cruise portray Adam’s uncle, while Adam’s grandfather served in the Korean War and his mother served as a police officer.

This made Kovic initially want to serve as a fireman.

On August 4, 2012, he married his Hispanic girlfriend Jessica “Jess” Auten in North Hollywood, California.

They currently reside in Los Angeles, California. His uncle Ron Kovic resides in Redondo Beach, California, but they “hardly interact nowadays”.