Ali Farahaani | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

Ali Farahaani | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

Any morning ritual you do for your health ?
Its quite a long routine! Once I open my eyes I get out of bed using 5second rule
Tepid water, one garlic clove, quick yoga workout and shower then I’m all set for the day

Workout that you swear by & do the most ?
LesMills BODYCOMBAT (also HIIT training)

Early riser or a night owl ?
Early riser

What does fitness mean to you?
It’s my passion, my drive for being better than who I was yesterday. Not only physically but mentally.

Ali Farahaani | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

One fitness rule you swear by ?
There is no rule in fitness, there are facts!

One fitness myth you wish to bust ?
If you don’t work on your muscles they turn into fat!!!

Your favorite workout?
Cardio (BODYCOMBAT – LesMills GRIT Cardio)

What do you eat in a day for breakfast – midday snacks – lunch – evening snacks – dinner ?
Breakfast: Cup of americano, Vegemite on toast, strawberry banana smoothie with almond milk and oats
Midday Snacks fruits
Lunch, usually a meal that contains highs source of protein and carbs to set me up for my training sessions
Evening snacks, tea with chocolate and also candies!!! I know I’ll keep as minimal as possible
Dinner- again protein, with vegetables high in fiber

Ali Farahaani | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

Your favorite cuisine ?
Italian, Asian

Preparation for a special event or photo shoot ?
Lots of water, good sleep, yoga

How often do you have a cheat day?
I gotta be honest, I cheat everyday!!
It’s usually chocolate or candies
But I eat healthy food

Your favorite cheat meal ?

Ali Farahaani | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

The most bizarre diet ?
The not eating diet

How many hours do you sleep daily?

Do you have fruits every day? What are your favorite fruits?
Grapes, strawberries, avocados, apple

Which is your favorite vegetable?

Ali Farahaani | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

Do you prefer your vegetable cooked or you prefer them in the salad form?

Are you a tea or a coffee person?
I am a tea coffee person

What about desserts? What sort of desserts do you like?
Creme brûlée

Ali Farahaani | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

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Ali Farahaani