Anti Dandruff Home Remedies | How to Get Rid of Anti Dandruff

anti dandruff home remedies

anti dandruff remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): Treating dandruff at home requires a way in which the ingredients must be mixed. Once you have mixed all of the ingredients in the right way, you can go about applying it.

ACV is said to be one of the best natural remedies to treat severe dandruff. However, there is a prescribed way in which you need to prepare the paste. Here are some easy steps you need to know for preparing apple cider vinegar.

Preparation of Apple Cider Vinegar:
Add some apple cider vinegar to water (Equal parts) and keep it aside.
After washing your hair, apply the mix to your wet hair.
Gently massage your hair with the mix
Leave to dry for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.

Apply Mehndi: You can cure dandruff using mehndi. Mehndi works well on your hair and softens it. Here is how you prepare the mehndi mix for your hair.

Preparation of Mehndi:
Mehndi needs to be prepared the right way and this mix has a prescribed manner in which it needs to be prepared.
Firstly, mix mehndi with curd and a little bit of lemon juice
Once this is formed as a paste, keep the mixture aside for 8 hours.
After 8 hours you can apply it on your hair
Let it dry over your hair for two hours and then you can wash it away.

Coconut Oil with Lemon: Coconut oil is said to keep your hair nourished and when this is mixed with little lemon juice, it can cure dandruff. This is also an easy home remedy to get rid of those tiny flakes that pull your confidence down.

Follow these simple tips and get rid of dandruff permanently.

Preparation of Coconut Oil with Lemon:
Follow these simple steps and get rid of dandruff quickly:
Firstly you need to heat 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and mix it equally with some mixture of lemon juice.
Once this is done, you can apply this on your scalp and massage your hair gently with it.
After this is done, leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with some shampoo.

Fenugreek Seeds: Fenugreek seeds are used as a preventive cure for dandruff. Also known as methi seeds, this procedure needs to be followed in the right way possible.

Preparation of Fenugreek Seeds:
Fenugreek is said to benefit people suffering from low blood sugar and boosts testosterone and also milk production for mothers. Fenugreek has multiple benefits such as regulating cholesterol levels and keeps your appetite in control. Here are some simple tips that you need to keep in mind while preparing fenugreek seed to get rid of dandruff.
Firstly, you need to put some fenugreek seeds in a small bowl of water and let it soak overnight.
Once you wake up in the morning make sure that you mash the seeds to a paste-like substance. Then add little lemon juice to the paste and mix it well.
Once this has formed into a paste, apply it onto your scalp and hair and leave it to dry for 30 minutes.
After this is done you can wash your hair with shampoo and allow your hair to dry.

anti dandruff home remedies

anti dandruff home remedies

Coconut oil and lemon: Coconut oil is something that everyone’s grandmother advices. Its antifungal properties can provide a great relief from itchiness and dry scalp. Combine equal amounts of coconut oil and lemon juice and massage the mixture on your scalp.

Keep it for about 10-15 minutes and rinse your hair thoroughly. This will not only help you get rid of dandruff but also boost hair growth and nourishment. Make sure to preheat the oil in winter as it tends to freeze easily in colder temperatures.

Yogurt: The lactic acid in yogurt helps reduce dandruff and the protein in it strengthens your hair from its roots. It is a treasure trove of friendly bacteria and helps prevent flaking of the scalp area. Apply a layer of fresh yogurt on the scalp and hair.

Let it sit for 10-15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water and dry. You can try adding black pepper to yogurt since that is also loaded with anti fungal properties.

Neem: Using freshly grounded paste made of neem leaves for skin problems dates back to the ancestral times. Because of its antibacterial, anti fungal and antimicrobial properties, it is a simple cure for dandruff and itchiness.

Alternatively, you can simply boil some fresh neem leaves, let it cool and rinse your hair with that water.

Aloe Vera: A panacea for all type of skin problems, Aloe Vera alleviates flakiness and skin irritation, acts as a natural coolant and makes your scalp itch free and cool.

Aloe Vera has certain anti fungal properties that helps treat recurring dandruff and cleanses dead skin for regeneration of fresh cells.

Apply aloe vera gel on your scalp, leave for about half an hour and later wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): ACH works as a natural hair cleanser and unclogs pores and hair follicles. Its acidic nature helps remove dead skin cells on the scalp, prevents the growth of fungus and restores the pH balance of your scalp.

Simply make a mixture using 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a cup of cold water and rinse your hair after shampooing. Let it settle for two minutes before washing it off. To get the best results, it can be used once a week.

Salt: Salt can absorb excess oil on your scalp, making it itchy and irritable. Oily scalp is also the reason for pimples on the forehead and hence it is best to treat dandruff at home as quick as possible.

Just add a pinch of salt to your usual shampoo and apply on your hair. Massage it gently in circular motions all over your scalp and exfoliate. Leave it for a minute or two and wash with lukewarm water.

Olive oil and Vinegar: Olive oil acts as a natural conditioner for hair, and being lightweight, applying it on hair doesn’t weigh them down.

Combined with acetic properties of vinegar, the mixture guards the scalp from fungal infection and at the same time improves blood circulation.

Mix 1 teaspoon olive oil with 2 teaspoon of vinegar. Apply the mixture evenly on hair and massage the scalp for 5 minutes. Wash it with antidandruff shampoo and apply a conditioner for best results.