Anti Wrinkle Home Remedies | How to Get Rid of Anti Wrinkle

anti wrinkle home remedies

anti wrinkle remedies

Banana Face Mask

Requirement :
Orange Juice

Direction :
Take a banana mash it with a teaspoon of orange juice and a teaspoon of plain yoghurt,
Mixed them to form a creamy mask
Apply it to your face for around 15-20 minutes.

Benefits of Banana Mask :
The presence of Vitamin A helps in fading away the dark spots and blemishes while the Vitamin B prevents aging.
The presence of Potassium acts as a moisturizer thus hydrating our skin cells.
Lastly, the presence Vitamin E in bananas helps build the skin’s resistance to UV damage.
Sugar and Lemon Mix for Facial Hair

Egg White Face Mask

Requirement :
Egg White
Lemon Juice

Direction :
Rejuvenating face mask that can be made by mixing one egg white, a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and half a teaspoon of honey.

Benefits of Banana Mask :
The presence of Vitamin A helps in fading away the dark spots and blemishes while the Vitamin B prevents aging.
The presence of Potassium acts as a moisturizer thus hydrating our skin cells.
The presence Vitamin E in bananas helps build the skin’s resistance to UV damage. This mixture can help tighten, tone and shrink the skin’s pores. This home remedy is very beneficial for people who have oily skin.
Egg whites are a great source of protein that the skin uses for tissue repair and growth.
The potassium helps preserve the moisture in skin cells and Fiboflavin or Riboflavin helps in eliminating toxins and free radicals which have the potential to cause wrinkles.
Magnesium is capable of slowing down the aging process, making one’s skin radiant. Egg whites also contain Lysozyme that is capable of digesting the cell walls of acne-causing bacteria.

Greek Yogurt Face Mask

Requirement :
Greek Yogurt
Pureed Cucumber
Mint Leaves

Direction :
Mix half a cup of Greek yogurt mixed with half a pureed cucumber and mint leaves.
Keep this mixture in the fridge
Use it as a cool, naturally hydrating face mask .

Benefits of Banana Mask :
One cucumber contains the Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium and Zinc.
All of these are naturally sourced minerals and vitamins to help you tighten your skin while also lightening it, hydrating it and protecting it from dryness, peeling, or cracking.
Sugar and Lemon Mix for Facial Hair

Coconut Oil & Olive Oil

Requirement :
Coconut Oil or
Olive Oil

Direction :
Apply this Oils to your skin before going to bed

Benefits of Coconut Oil & Olive Oil:
It helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
They are rich in antioxidants that can prevent the buildup of free radicals in the body which cause early aging.
They also function as a natural moisturizer that should be massaged into your skin each night before bed.
Lastly, they are a great way to achieve protection from the sun.

Lemon Honey Dab

Requirement :

Direction :
The Lemon Juice Honey dab can be used before one leaves the house, or before applying any makeup, or washing one’s face.
Apply a thin layer of lemon juice mixed with honey, for a period of 10 minutes.

Benefits of Lemon Honey Dab:
The honey contains humectant, which preserves moisture in skin cells, while the lemon boosts the production of collagen.
This home remedy has the added benefit of leaving you feeling fresh and smelling great!
Helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles

Using Aloe Vera

Requirement :
Aloe Vera leaves

Direction :
Apply the gel inside Aloe Vera leaves on the affected area

Benefits of Using Aloe Vera:
Sunburns are famed for being the easiest way to damage and wrinkle our skin, which is where applying this gel can ease the healing process due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

The Aloe Vera plant contains a clear gel inside of it, which has wound-healing and soothing effects on the skin, especially after sunbathing.

It is fairly convenient to have an Aloe Vera plant growing in your garden, giving easy access to the vitamins and minerals that can help take care of your skin.

anti wrinkle home remedies

anti wrinkle home remedies

Coconut Oil For Wrinkles

You Will Need
Organic coconut oil

What You Have To Do
Massage coconut oil under the eyes and other affected areas for a few minutes. Use gentle circular motions.
Leave the oil on overnight.

How Often You Should Do This
Repeat this every night before going to bed.

Why This Works
Coconut oil will give your skin a natural glow and radiance. Using it often will help to fade wrinkles and lines as coconut oil is moisturizing and hydrating for the skin. It restores the skin’s elasticity to a great extent.

2. Castor Oil For Wrinkles

You Will Need
Castor oil
Cotton ball

What You Have To Do
Use a cotton ball to apply castor oil on the affected areas.
Do not rinse the oil. Keep it on overnight.

How Often You Should Do This
Do this every night.

Why This Works
Apart from being an emollienti , castor oil enhances the production of elastin and collagen in the skin. As a result of this, the wrinkles and fine lines start to diminish and even disappear over time.

Grape Seed Extract For Wrinkles

You Will Need
A few drops of grape seed extract or grape seed oil

What You Have To Do
Massage the oil into the affected area.
Leave it on for as long as you can and then wash off.

How Often You Should Do This
A few re-runs over the next few weeks, and your skin will be supple and wrinkle-free.

Why This Works
A grape could drape your wrinkles! The seed of this little fruit will help to tighten your skin and impart a healthy glow to it. It does this by supplying the skin with fatty acids, polyphenolsi , and vitamin E.

Prevent Wrinkles With Vitamin E

You Will Need
Vitamin E capsules

What You Have To Do
Pierce the capsule and pour the oil present inside into a small bowl. Open as many as capsules as required to cover the affected area.
Apply this oil and massage the area for a few minutes.
Leave it on for a couple of hours.

How Often You Should Do This
This is best done every night before going to bed.

Why This Works
Vitamin E is known to moisturize and refresh your skin with its skin hydrating property and antioxidants. It also has anti-inflammatory and photoprotective effects on the skin. This renews the skin’s vigor and diminishes wrinkles.