April Fools Greetings, Messages, Quotes, Wishes, Images, Photos, Pics, Pictures

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april fools greetings

“Happy April Fools’ Day! May your day be filled with harmless pranks and good humor.”

“Wishing you a day filled with laughter, surprises, and clever jokes. Happy April Fools’ Day!”

“On this April Fools’ Day, may all your jokes be witty and all your pranks harmless. Have a great day!”

“May your day be filled with joy, laughter, and silly shenanigans. Happy April Fools’ Day!”

“Sending you my best wishes on this April Fools’ Day. May you have a day filled with playful tricks and hilarious jokes.”

“Wishing you a day filled with humor, mischief, and lots of laughter. Happy April Fools’ Day!”

“On this April Fools’ Day, may you be the prankster and not the pranked. Have a great day filled with fun and laughter.”

“Sending you warm wishes on this April Fools’ Day. May your day be full of harmless pranks and good-natured fun.”

“May your day be filled with laughter and joy, and may your April Fools’ Day pranks be both clever and harmless. Happy April Fools’ Day!”

“Wishing you a day of lighthearted fun and playful mischief. Happy April Fools’ Day!”

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april fools messages

“Sorry, I accidentally deleted all your contacts from my phone. April Fools! They’re still there, don’t worry.”

“Hey, did you hear they’re making a sequel to ‘The Matrix’? Keanu Reeves is going to play a completely different character this time. April Fools!”

“Sorry, I won’t be able to make it to your party tonight. Something came up. Just kidding! See you there!”

“I’m thinking about getting a tattoo of your face on my arm. April Fools! That would be weird.”

“I just won the lottery! April Fools, but wouldn’t that be nice?”

“Hey, did you hear that the government is going to start paying people to stay home and watch Netflix all day? April Fools!”

“I just got a new job as a professional skydiver. April Fools! I’m way too scared of heights.”

“I heard they’re changing the name of the alphabet to ‘alphabet soup.’ April Fools! That would be ridiculous.”

“I’m going vegan starting today. April Fools! I love my bacon too much.”

“I just saw a UFO outside! April Fools, but wouldn’t that be crazy?”

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april fools quotes

“The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.” – Mark Twain

“April 1. This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four.” – Mark Twain

“April Fools’ Day is the perfect day to confess your undying love for someone just to see the look on their face when they realize you’re joking.” – Anonymous

“A well-planned prank can be a work of art.” – Anonymous

“April Fools’ Day is the one day of the year when people are encouraged to lie, cheat, and deceive with abandon.” – Anonymous

“A day without laughter is a day wasted, but a day filled with harmless pranks is a day well-spent.” – Anonymous

“April Fools’ Day is the one day when you can’t believe anything you read on the internet.” – Anonymous

“Playing practical jokes is a way of showing that you don’t take life too seriously.” – Anonymous

“The art of the practical joke is to inflict maximum humiliation with minimum harm.” – Anonymous

“Laughter is the best medicine, and on April Fools’ Day, it’s also the best prank.” – Anonymous

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april fools wishes

“Wishing you a day filled with laughter, fun, and harmless pranks. Happy April Fools’ Day!”

“May your day be full of surprises, clever jokes, and good humor. Happy April Fools’ Day!”

“Wishing you a joyful April Fools’ Day filled with playful pranks and lots of laughter.”

“May your April Fools’ Day be filled with fun and laughter, and may you come out on top of every prank.”

“Sending you my best wishes for a memorable April Fools’ Day filled with lots of laughs and happy moments.”

“Wishing you a day filled with harmless pranks, witty jokes, and lots of laughter. Happy April Fools’ Day!”

“May your April Fools’ Day be filled with silly shenanigans, clever tricks, and plenty of laughter.”

“Wishing you a day filled with lighthearted fun, happy surprises, and playful pranks. Happy April Fools’ Day!”

“May your April Fools’ Day be filled with hilarious jokes and harmless pranks that leave you with happy memories to cherish.”

“Wishing you a day of good-natured fun, silly pranks, and lots of laughter. Happy April Fools’ Day!”