Chaim Walder Pics, Wife, Son, Biography, Wiki

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Chaim Walder 10 Personal Facts, Biography, Wiki

Israeli author
Born: November 15, 1968, Haifa, Israel
Died: December 2021, Israel
Known for: Haredi children’s literature

Walder was born in Haifa and raised in a Haredi family. His father was from Jerusalem and his mother from Haifa. He attended Yeshivat Kol Torah and Knesses Chizkiyahu and married at age 21. He served in the Israel Defense Forces as a soldier-teacher.

Chaim Eliezer Walder was an Israeli Haredi rabbi and author of literature for children, adolescents, and adults.

In 1993, he became an Israeli publishing sensation with his bestselling first book, Yeladim mesaprim al atzmam (Hebrew: ילדים מספרים על עצמם, Children Tell About Themselves, translated into English as Kids Speak), which revolutionized literature for Haredi children by introducing young protagonists who speak openly about their problems and feelings, and opened the door for many more writers to produce original fiction for Haredi youth.

Walder was also a long-time columnist on social issues for the Hebrew daily Yated Ne’eman, an educational counselor, and manager of the Center for the Child and Family, operated by the Bnei Brak municipality.

In November 2021, an investigative piece by Haaretz reported that several women alleged that Walder sexually assaulted them while they were under his care as a therapist. Two of the accusers were minors at the time of the alleged assaults.

Afterwards, over 25 women came forward with further accusations against Walder. The Safed rabbinical court found that over a period of twenty five years, Walder had sexually abused women, girls, and boys that had come to him for treatment.

On 27 December 2021, Walder committed suicide, at the age of 53.

The allegations and death provoked much discussion in the Haredi community on the appropriate response to allegations of sexual abuse.

Chaim Walder 10 Pics, Photos, Pictures

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chaim walder wife

Chaim Walder 10 Fast Facts, Biography, Wiki

Chaim Walder was a famous Author, who was born on November 15, 1968 in Israel. According to Astrologers, Chaim Walder’s zodiac sign is Scorpio.

Chaim Walder is an Israeli Haredi rabbi and author of literature for children, adolescents, and adults.

In 1993, he became an Israeli publishing sensation with his first book, Yeladim Mesaprim al Atzmam (Hebrew: ילדים מספרים על עצמם ‎, Children Talk About Themselves, translated into English as Kids Speak), which revolutionized literature for Haredi children by introducing young protagonists who speak openly about their problems and feelings.

Yeladim Mesaprim al Atzmam became one of the top five bestselling books of all time in Israel, and opened the door for many more writers to produce original fiction for Haredi youth.

Walder is also a long-time columnist on social issues for the Hebrew daily Yated Ne’eman, an educational counselor, and manager of the Center for the Child and Family, operated by the Bnei Brak municipality.

In addition to becoming one of the top five bestselling books of all time in Israel, Yeladim Mesaprim al Atzmam has been translated into eight languages.

It paved the way for many new writers to begin publishing “imaginative, thoughtful, emotional, and enjoyable” literature for Haredi children and young adults, a phenomenon that has surged since the late 1990s.