Fahad Mustafa Pics, Age, Photos, Family, Wife, Wikipedia, Pictures, Biography

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Pakistani film on-screen character

Conceived: June 26, 1983 (age 36 years), Larkana, Pakistan

Life partner: Sana Fahad (m. 2005)

Training: Baqai Medical University

Guardians: Salahuddin Tunio

Youngsters: Fatima Fahad

Radiant Tunio prevalently known as Fahad Mustafa is a Pakistani film and TV entertainer, host and maker.

Since Fahad’s family had a place with the TV Industry, when he ventured into the showbiz, he had a great deal to demonstrate

and he did by increasing massive prevalence in the beginning times of his profession based on his ability in acting.

Fahad Mustafa got recognized for his remarkable acting in HUM TV show Wujood-e-Laraib, which publicized in 2004.

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos, Fahad Mustafa Family Pictures, Fahad Mustafa Marriage Pics

He was conceived on June 26, 1983. He is 33 years of age.

He is a child of veteran TV Actor Salahuddin Tunio.

He is a Ph.D Scholar in Chemistry. He finished his instruction from Baqai Medical University, Karachi.

He got hitched to Sana Fahad in the year 2005. Sana Fahad is additionally a writer

who composes contents for the dramatizations that are created under the pennant of Fahad Mustafa’s creation house.

He has a little girl named Fatima Fahad. She was conceived in April 2011 and is 6 years of age.

He has a child who was conceived on January 28, 2016. He turned 1 this year.

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos, Fahad Mustafa Family Pictures, Fahad Mustafa Marriage Pics

He claims a creation house and it is named ‘Huge explosion Entertainment’. All of Big Bang’s shows are publicized on ARY Digital.

Fahad Mustafa has a game show Jeeto Pakistan which additionally pretense on ARY Digital.

Fahad Mustafa and Amir Liaqat’s tussle as Game Show Hosts made a significant buzz too.

Fast Facts

Epithet: Fahad

Complete NAME: Fahad Mustafa

Calling: On-screen character, Producer, Model and Host


AGE: 36 years of age (in 2020)

DATE OF BIRTH: June 26, 1983

Origin: Larkana, Pakistan

ZODIAC SIGN: Malignancy

Tallness, Weight and Physical Stats

Tallness: 5 feet 11 inches (1.8 m)

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos, Fahad Mustafa Family Pictures, Fahad Mustafa Marriage Pics

WEIGHT: 66 kg (146 lbs)

CHEST: 40 inches

Abdomen:32 inches

BODYTYPE: Ectomorph

BICEPS: 13 inches


EYE COLOR: Dull Brown

Fahad Mustafa is a notable Pakistani TV entertainer, film maker just as model.

He has showed up in various TV serials all through 2000s century and is the child of an acclaimed Sindhi on-screen character Salahuddin Tunio.

He started his profession with dramatization sequential Sheeshay Ka Mahal in the year 2002 and built up a major name in Pakistan media business.

Fahad Mustafa is additionally called as “Bright Tunio”.

His recognized TV serials contains off Haal-e-Dil, Sheeshay Ka Mahal, Ae Dasht-e-Junoon, Bahu Rani, Pul Siraat, Mastana Mahi and Aashti.

He has spoken to various jobs every through hello there profession and his most momentous presentation was in dramatization sequential Main Abdul Qadir Hoon.

Fahad is likewise a large group of notable move rivalry show Nachle publicized on ARY Digital.

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos, Fahad Mustafa Family Pictures, Fahad Mustafa Marriage Pics

Fahad Mustafa started his profession in acting with a quiet character job in show sequential Sheeshay Ka Mahal.

Despite the fact that the show slumped yet he was noted for his quiet character in the sequential for around 16 to 18 scenes.

Disregarding being the child of a notable entertainer, Fahad Mustafa’s initial vocation was upset as he needed

to endure the wrongdoing of his seniors however he would thereafter show up in various jobs

that regarded him as a splendid on-screen character in Pakistan showbiz industry.

His next dynamic job was with his driving character in show sequential Veena. Fahad likewise developed as a film maker in the year 2008.

Fahad Mustafa had just perceived himself as a famous on-screen character however his genuine popularity trailed his portrayal

of his driving job on Hum TV show sequential Main Abdul Qadir Hoon.

In the year 2011, he was fit for picking up his next driving exhibition in Pull Siraat disclosed on ARY Digital, portraying a negative job.

He increased another eminent job in Hum TV show sequential Mastana Mahi, portraying the character of a Sindhi Wadera.

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos, Fahad Mustafa Family Pictures, Fahad Mustafa Marriage Pics

Fahad Mustafa’s zodiac sign is malignancy. His name by birth is Fahad Salahuddin.

He was doing B-drug store however he left in third year and started his vocation in acting.

Fahad Mustafa wedded to Sana Fahad in the year 2005 and the couple has one girl.

His preferred TV entertainers are Sanam Baloch, Sanam Saeed, Sania Saeed and Iman Ali.

Sanam Baloch’s dad and Fahad Mustafa’s dad are dear companions and Fahad acquainted Sanam with Pakistan media business.

This is a most captivating aspect regarding Fahad Mustafa and Sanam Baloch.

Fahad presented his own creation organization when he was 26 years of age.

He delivered dramatization sequential “Kalaq” and Sanam Baloch was its driving on-screen character.

Fahad made his first acting presentation from show sequential “Sheeshay Ka Mahal”.

As per Fahad, he making the most of his job as he was paid Rs2000 for every scene.

This is one of most fascinating reality as for Fahad Mustafa that various individuals don’t acquainted with.

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos, Fahad Mustafa Family Pictures, Fahad Mustafa Marriage Pics

He showed up in 20 scenes of “Sheeshay Ka Mahal” without talking even a solitary word.

He never got any honor yet has been named multiple times for his show serials.

Fahad Mustafa Education

Capability: Baqai Medical University

School: Not Known

Fahad Mustafa Gallery

Fahad Mustafa Career

Calling: Actor, Producer, Model and Host

Presentation TV Series/Movie:

Film-Na Maloom Afraad (2014)

TV Sheeshay Ka Mahal (2002)

Compensation: Under Review

Total assets: Rs. 35 Million

Family and Relatives

Father: Salahuddin Tunio (acclaimed Sindhi on-screen character)

Mother: Not Known

Brother(s): 1

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos, Fahad Mustafa Family Pictures, Fahad Mustafa Marriage Pics

Sister(s): 1

Conjugal Status: Married

Spouse/Girlfriend: Sana Fahad (m. 2005)

Son(s): None

Daughter(s): Fatima Fahad

Fahad Mustafa Favorites

Leisure activities: Traveling, Playing Cricket, Listening to music

Most loved Food: Not Known

Most loved Color: Black, White, Blue

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos

Fahad Mustafa Wedding Photos