Faisal Rehman Pics, Age, Photos, Daughter, Biography, Pictures, Wikipedia

Faisal Rehman Wedding Photos, Faisal Rehman Family Pictures, Faisal Rehman Marriage Pics

Pakistani film on-screen character

Conceived: September 17, 1966 (age 53 years), Lahore, Pakistan

Films: Guns and Roses: Ik Junoon, Bulandi, Woh College Kay Din, Aban Zafar, Ishq Be Parwah

Instruction: St. Anthony High School, Lahore, Forman Christian College (A Chartered University)

Assignments: Lux Style Award for Best TV Actor – Viewer’s Choice, MORE

Uncle: Rehman

Faisal Rehman regularly known as Faisal is a Pakistani movie entertainer, TV on-screen character, author and chief.

He has worked in 30 movies and numerous TV shows.

Faisal Rehman ordinarily known as Faisal is a Pakistani movie and TV on-screen character, author and chief.

He has worked in 30 movies and numerous network shows.

He is an exceptionally brilliant and attractive on-screen character with keen acting he is renowned on Pakistan’s New Channel See TV

so he is likewise well known in Turkey since this divert is additionally viewed in Turkey.

His Zodiac Sign is Virgo Because he was conceived Month of September.

Faisal Rehman Wedding Photos, Faisal Rehman Family Pictures, Faisal Rehman Marriage Pics

Name: Faisal Rehman

Scratch Name: Faisal

Nearby Language Name: فیصل رحمان

Celebrated As: Acting

Nationality: Pakistan

Eye Color: His eyes are of dark shading.

Vocations In : Actor,Director,Writer

Marital Status : Married

Zodiac : Virgo

Color: His most loved shading is beat up. He like dull hues.

Residence: Lahore

Education: Forman Christian College

A long time Active : 1980–1991, 1997–present

Religion: Islam

Profession: Actor

Most loved Place: Faysal has voyage all around the globe yet he wants to be in Australia over

and over as he adores this spot to such an extent. This is his preferred occasion goal as well.

Height: 5 ft 8 in (1.69 m)

Faisal Rehman Wedding Photos, Faisal Rehman Family Pictures, Faisal Rehman Marriage Pics

Grants : Lux Style Award for Satellite Best TV Actor


Date: 17 September 1966

Place: Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan


Parents: Masood-ur-Rehman

Kin : Fasih Ur Rehman


Occupation(s): Actor, screenwriter

Faisal is a Persian speaking Afghan and hails from the Mohammadzai tribe of Kabul, the decision world class of their time.

His progenitors moved to India in 1905 during British Raj. Faisal’s dad Rehman was additionally keen on doing films and gave his hands a shot acting.

Rehman did two or three Urdu movies, for example, Sahab Biwi Aur Ghulam, Nargis and Khaghaz Kay Phool however wasn’t effective.

He is a nephew of noted Bollywood on-screen character, Rehman, and his sibling Fasih-ur-Rehman is an old style artist,

their dad is cinematographer Massud-ur-Rehman. Faisal did his optional tutoring at St. Anthony High School Lahore.

He was just a multi year old kid when he was handled his first job in Nazar-ul-Islam’s film Nahi Abhi Nahi,

additionally featuring well known film on-screen character Shabnam. Faisal kept doing films yet didn’t desert his scholarly life.

He examined from Forman Christian College and did Bachelors in English Literature from University of Punjab. [2] life and instruction

Faisal Rehman Wedding Photos, Faisal Rehman Family Pictures, Faisal Rehman Marriage Pics

After his fruitful introduction in Nahi Abhi Nahi, Rehman acted in various movies for just about 10 years.

In mid 90’s Rehman moved to Canada and lived there for a long time. He lived in Montreal and scholarly French there.

Rehman is conversant in communicating in Persian, English, Punjabi and Urdu.

On his arrival to Pakistan he did two more element films and acted in various TV shows and telefilms.

The latest which won him crowd’s examination was dramatization sequential Malaal, coordinated by Mehreen Jabbar.

Faisal depicted the job of Danish, a possessive and shallow man who, on his mom’s request weds a young lady a large portion of his age

and furthermore keeps his companion, depicted by Deepti Gupta, on her toes.

The sequential has as of late been assigned for tenth Annual Lux Style Award in best sequential’s classification.

He is likewise one of the establishing individuals from “The Actors’ Collective (ACT)”, a relationship of entertainers,

including film, theater and TVs specialists in Pakistan, built up in 2009 and situated in Lahore. [3] Career

Faisal Rehman Wedding Photos, Faisal Rehman Family Pictures, Faisal Rehman Marriage Pics

Original Name: Faisal Rehman

Moniker: Faisal

Stature: 5’8″

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Origination: Pakistan

Dialects: Urdu, English

Leisure activities: Reading Book, Music

Faisal Rehman is a man with the guts and he will before long make his incredible name among the top class entertainers in Pakistani.

Here is a decent assortment of some magnificent, excellent and noteworthy pictures of Faisal Rehman.

Right now, we have accumulated a rundown of delightful pics of Faisal Rehman that are very eye catching and only pleasant to take a gander at.

How about we see and appreciate!

Faisal Rehman Wedding Photos

Faisal Rehman Wedding Photos

Faisal Rehman Wedding Photos

Faisal Rehman Wedding Photos