Fariha Pervez Pics, Age, Photos, Marriage, Biography, Pictures, Wikipedia

Fariha Pervez Wedding Photos, Fariha Pervez Family Pictures, Fariha Pervez Marriage Pics

Pakistani vocalist

Conceived: February 2, 1974 (age 46 years), Lahore, Pakistan

Life partner: Nouman Javaid (m. 2016–2016)

Collections: Taskeen Ko Hum Na Royen, O Vela Yaad Kar, Piya

Record marks: T-Series, Digital Entertainment World

Sorts: Pop music, Classical music, Semi-old style music, Folk music, Bhangra, Ghazal

Fariha Pervez is a Pakistani female artist. She began her vocation tying down and acting from an extremely youthful age on PTV.

She is one the main female vocalists of Pakistan. She is extremely well known in Pakistan and has won numerous honors for her singing.

She has the capacity that she can sung numerous sorts of melodies like pop, traditional, semi-old style, society, shed, ghazi.

Fariha Pervez Wedding Photos, Fariha Pervez Family Pictures, Fariha Pervez Marriage Pics


Name: Fareeha Pervaiz

Renowned As: Singer

Nationality: Pakistani

Residence: Lahore

Religion: Islam

Profession: Fariha Pervez is a productive and adaptable Pakistani female artist.

Grants : She got number of grants


Date: 2 Feb

Place: Lahore


Spouse: Noman Javaid

Children: None

Parents: Pervaiz who was likewise an artist

Kin : 2 siblings

Relatives: Niece of Talat Siddique and Rehana Siddique, Cousin of Naheed Siddique and Arifa Siddiqui.


Occupation(s): Musician

Introduction Album: Nice and Naughty

Introduction Song: Patang Baaz

Instruments: Vocals

A long time Active: 1996 – present

Labels: Lips Music, Sonic, Sadaf Stereo

Fariha Pervez Wedding Photos, Fariha Pervez Family Pictures, Fariha Pervez Marriage Pics

She was conceived on second Feb 1970 in Lahore, Punjab Pakistan. Her dad was a decent artist however couldn’t become popular and notable artist.

She is the niece of Talat Siddique and Rehana Siddiqui; both were renowned on-screen characters of Pakistan.

She is the cousin of Naheed Siddiqui and Arifa Siddiqui. Fariha has two siblings and she jumps at the chance to invest her extra energy with her family.

As Fariha’s dad needs to be a vocalist yet couldn’t get achievement in his profession, so he satisfied his fantasies

by urging his lone girl to seek after her vocation as a performer.

Presently she is a top class vocalist of this period who sang number of hit tunes and Ghazals.

Fariha Pervez is one of the main female artists of Pakistan.

Fariha Pervez began her vocation with mooring and acting from a youthful age on PTV (Pakistan state television channel).

Fariha Pervez Wedding Photos, Fariha Pervez Family Pictures, Fariha Pervez Marriage Pics

She additionally co-facilitated a well known kids’ music program “Aangan Taray”. After the arrival of her introduction Album.

“Pleasant n Naughty”, her tune “Patang Baaz” (a.k.a Bo individualized structure) turned into a super hit.

her melodic vocation took off and she there onwards chose to concentrate exclusively on singing.

In her initial profession, Fariha Pervez facilitated a children melodic show from PTV

by the name of “Aangan Taarey” which was later on facilitated by Hadiqa Kiani.

While in 2005, Fariha Pervez once more showed up as a host in a music appear by name of “Numerous Moods Of Fariha”

which was disclosed from Indus Television Network’s station, Channel G (Now G Kaboom).

Fariha Pervez Wedding Photos, Fariha Pervez Family Pictures, Fariha Pervez Marriage Pics

As Fariha has a place with Talented Family so she began her profession as an entertainer and worked in hardly any dramatizations.

However, later she understood that Acting isn’t her strength so chose to advance her singing vocation.

Fariha Pervez Wedding Photos

Fariha Pervez Wedding Photos

Fariha Pervez Wedding Photos

Fariha Pervez Wedding Photos

Fariha Pervez Wedding Photos