Fiza Batool Gilani Wikipedia, Biography

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Fiza Batool Gilani 10 Personal Facts, Biography, Wiki

It goes without saying that Fiza Gilani’s art and creative instincts have obviously evolved since then and what started out as simple doodling and drawings then, now combines putting together magnificent events that satisfy her creative energy.

Fiza certainly didn’t set out with an ambition of wanting to run a business and it was more of a spontaneous and sudden plunge.

However, she did have a very clear idea that her venture would require a few years for her to build a name for herself in a very competitive field and in an age where people are being more careful with spending money, event management was not an easy business to be in, specially as a newbie.

Luckily for her though, things worked out quite differently, along with the word of mouth spreading fast, she soon was recognised as one of the best in the world of event management.

Fiza constantly makes an effort to be more organised but as a creative junkie, her natural thought process is quite chaotic, lateral and tangential, and so thinking in a logical and practical manner sometimes gets pretty impossible.

Her brain only works one way, which is the creative way, hence she needed someone to do all the analytical thinking for her.

That’s where her partner Aqueedat Zahra hopped on board to curb her creative thoughts, and together they work as a formidable team.

Together, they have done many events in a short span of time and their experience so far has been fantastically rewarding.

Fiza Batool Gilani 10 Pics, Photos, Pictures

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Fiza Batool Gilani 10 Fast Facts, Biography, Wiki

For some, Fiza Batool Gilani is a living example of the nepotism which has plagued Pakistan since its inception.

She talks about empowerment, equality and democracy – yet people only listen because she speaks from her unearned position as the prime minister’s daughter.

For others, Fiza is a thoughtful, determined young woman who did not choose to be Yousaf Raza Gilani’s daughter, but has chosen to make the most of her opportunities and cares deeply about making Pakistan a better place, especially for women.

Fiza’s idol, Benazir Bhutto, remains her guiding inspiration. Giving credit to the Pakistan Peoples Party for its pro-women stance in Parliament and beyond, she says that the party was following Benazir’s vision.

Fiza herself seems to be following Benazir’s vision – and footsteps. She has decided to contest the next general elections and pursue a political career.

She says her focus is now on disadvantaged women in Balochistan, Chitral, Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Kashmir and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, as the women’s ministry is now under the provincial government.

For the PM’s daughter, class and privilege will always be issues she will, at some stage in her life, have to confront or conspicuously deny.

She has gone on record saying she aims to challenge the feudal lords and influential politicians of southern Punjab.

When asked how women, the majority of whom live under the exploitative feudal and tribal systems, can be empowered without breaking the stranglehold of these systems, she replies: “Not all of them [feudals] are bad.”

Nevertheless, she remains sensitive when asked about her inherited position. “I’m working as a common woman, not as the prime minister’s daughter.”

She quotes the Italian poet Dante: “The hottest place in hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis.”

Fiza Batool Gilani is certainly not neutral, but whether she can truly emerge from her father’s shadow and stake a position of her own in Pakistani politics will only be seen in five, ten, fifteen years or beyond.