Huda Kattan Pics, Age, Photos, Biography, Pictures, Wikipedia

Huda Kattan Wedding Photos, Huda Kattan Family Pictures, Huda Kattan Marriage Pics

Cosmetics craftswoman

Conceived: October 2, 1983 (age 36 years), Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States

Companion: Christopher Goncalo (m. 2008)

Kin: Mona Kattan, Khalid Kattan, Alya Kattan

Guardians: Susu Al Qazzaz, Ibrahim Kattan

Kids: Nour Giselle

Instruction: University of Michigan – Dearborn, Dartmouth High School

Huda Kattan Bio

Huda Kattan is a cosmetics craftsman, magnificence blogger and vlogger who runs the gigantically well known ‘Huda Beauty’ blog.

Look at this history to think about her adolescence, family life, accomplishments and fun realities about her.

Huda Kattan Wedding Photos, Huda Kattan Family Pictures, Huda Kattan Marriage Pics

Birthday: October 2, 1983

Nationality: American

Age: 36 Years, 36 Year Old Females

Sun Sign: Libra

Conceived In: Oklahoma

Well known As: YouTuber, Beauty Vlogger

Tallness: 5’7″ (170 cm), 5’7″ Females

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Mate/Ex-: Christopher Goncalo

Father: Ibrahim Kattan

Mother: Susu Al Qazzaz

Kin: Alya, Halida, Khalid, Mona

U.S. State: Oklahoma

More Facts

Huda Kattan Wedding Photos, Huda Kattan Family Pictures, Huda Kattan Marriage Pics

Huda Kattan is a cosmetics craftsman, magnificence blogger and vlogger who runs the hugely popular ‘Huda Beauty’ blog

which is the No. 1 blog in the Middle East. She additionally has a gigantically well known YouTube channel.

While she is certainly the most popular excellence blogger and vlogger in the Middle East

where not many ladies adventure into the universe of style and cosmetics,

she is likewise checked among the best 20 magnificence bloggers around the world.

Destined to Iraqi guardians in the US yet presently living in Dubai,

Kattan gets the opportunity to appreciate a few favorable circumstances that ladies brought up in the Middle East are denied of.

For a certain something, she experienced childhood in an open Western culture

where she got plentiful chances to investigate her inclinations in design and cosmetics.

She additionally found the opportunity to go to the Joe Blasco cosmetics school, the No.1 driving cosmetics school around the world.

After wandering into a vocation as a cosmetics craftsman and in the long run moving into the internet based life domain,

she understood that Dubai offered better profession possibilities for her as magnificence bloggers in the Middle East were an irregularity.

Consequently she moved to Dubai and has since not just settled herself as a wonderfully famous blogger and vlogger—

she has more than 1.8 million devotees on YouTube—however has likewise manufactured the beautifying agents brand ‘Huda Beauty’ close by her sisters.

Huda Kattan Wedding Photos, Huda Kattan Family Pictures, Huda Kattan Marriage Pics

Huda Kattan’s initially paid activity had nothing to do with magnificence or style!

This well known blogger and YouTuber really contemplated account at the University of Michigan and found a comfortable activity after graduation.

Be that as it may, she was not content with her life and needed to accomplish something different.

Slanted towards style and cosmetics since early on, she chose to do a course at the celebrated Joe Blasco cosmetics school.

This course transformed herself to improve things and drove her to her predetermination as a marvel blogger and vlogger.

She began her blog ‘Huda Beauty’ in 2010 and it didn’t take her long to turn out to be colossally mainstream.

Her way of life as an Iraqi American gave her an exceptional edge over the other excellence bloggers who were transcendently of the white race.

Young ladies from the Middle East immediately fancied this raven haired, dull peered toward magnificence who seemed as though one among them.

Her blog is unquestionably the No.1 blog in the Middle East and is additionally colossally well known in different nations over the world.

Huda Kattan Wedding Photos, Huda Kattan Family Pictures, Huda Kattan Marriage Pics

Roused by the resonating accomplishment of the blog, Huda Kattan wandered into vlogging also,

and began posting recordings on excellence tips and DIY style hacks.

The video blog before long began pulling in crowds of young ladies from everywhere throughout the world, and as of June 2017,

it had over 1.8 million supporters.

One of her most famous recordings is ‘The reason Shaving Your Face is Awesome!’

in which she clarifies why she shaves her face to keep her skin smooth and young looking.

The video has amassed more than 3 million perspectives! Another of her recordings, titled ‘DIY Beauty | Toothbrush Blackhead Remover-BEST EVER?!’

is likewise mainstream, with more than 9 million perspectives. She is likewise an Instagram whiz and has a stunning 20.6 million adherents there!

Alongside being a blogger and a vlogger,

Huda Kattan is additionally a shrewd specialist and the genius behind the massively fruitful beautifying agents brand, ‘Huda Beauty.’

The brand’s bogus lashes are hits in the Middle East, and are good to go to vanquish the Western excellence showcases also.

Her relatives, including her dad and sisters help her in maintaining her business.

Huda Kattan Wedding Photos, Huda Kattan Family Pictures, Huda Kattan Marriage Pics

Huda Kattan was conceived on October 2, 1983, in Oklahoma, United States, to Iraqi settler guardians Ibrahim Kattan and Susu Al Qazzaz.

Her dad was a designing educator while her mom remained at home to raise Huda and her four kin. Growing up with three sisters,

Huda got presented to magnificence patterns and design from the get-go.

The young ladies would attempt DIY magnificence hacks and apply cosmetics on one another.

Despite the fact that she was enthusiastic about excellence and style since early on, she decided to contemplate money at school.

She even worked in money for some time yet in the long run predetermination drove her to turn into a marvel blogger and vlogger.

Going to her sentimental life, she got engaged with Christopher Goncalo while in school and in the long run wedded him.

The couple has a little girl. Her significant other encourages her in running her Huda Beauty scope of makeup.

Huda Kattan Wedding Photos

Huda Kattan Wedding Photos

Huda Kattan Wedding Photos

Huda Kattan Wedding Photos