Josh McCartney | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

Josh McCartney | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

Any morning ritual you do for your health ?
I like to wake up early, meditate, stretch, have a gratitude practice and write my daily goals.

Workout that you swear by & do the most ? I like compound movements mostly – squats, deadlift and bench press 🙂 I also instruct rhythm cycling.

Early riser or a night owl ?
I prefer early but it’s difficult with my schedule.

What does fitness mean to you?
Have a higher average of doing good for your body. I mostly eat healthy – then I’ll demolish a pizza and burgers. Majority of the time I’m healthy but I think it’s important to note give AF about eating bad when you want to.

Josh McCartney | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

One fitness rule you swear by ?
Be consistent.

One fitness myth you wish to bust ?
Myths? Dunno. Just do basic education on exercise, find what works for you that you can enjoy and be consistent with.

Your favorite workout?
10×10 deadlifts ever minute on the minute.

What do you eat in a day for breakfast – midday snacks – lunch – evening snacks – dinner ? I normally skip breakfast and eat at lunch – I like eggs… if I workout I’ll have a protein shake after, and dinner really depends on my mood… pasta? I love pasta.

Josh McCartney | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

Your favorite cuisine ?

Preparation for a special event or photo shoot ?

How often do you have a cheat day?
Around 2 times per week but I don’t call it cheat day. I just eat bad if I want to.

Your favorite cheat meal ?
Pizza. Pepperoni … chilli oil..

Josh McCartney | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

The most bizarre diet ?
Keto. Not sustainable.

How many hours do you sleep daily?
5-6 normally.

Do you have fruits every day? What are your favorite fruits?
Nope. I like blueberries a lot though. Might have them once per week.

Which is your favorite vegetable?
Red bell peppers – I eat them raw

Josh McCartney | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

Do you prefer your vegetable cooked or you prefer them in the salad form?
I think salad form actually… I don’t love cooked vegetables that much – but I eat them anyway.

Are you a tea or a coffee person?
Coffee. All day. Every day. Black only.

What about desserts? What sort of desserts do you like?
I like chocolate fondant with ice cream – but I very rarely eat dessert. Maybe once per month…

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Josh McCartney