Namita Chibber Wiki, Photos, Images, Pictures

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Namita Chibber 10 Personal Facts, Biography, Wiki

Shahrukh Khan the superstar of the Bollywood always remain in news for several reasons.

The major controversy of him after biff with Salman Khan was in 2012.

When he declared that he is going to have a child through surrogacy. But what made Shahrukh Khan get a child from surrogacy?

Means he and his wife are already the parents of two young kids.

After this everyone was in shock that who will be his child’s surrogate mother?

Well, soon AbRam was born on May 27, 2013, and his surrogate mother remained a mystery.

While everyone was so keen to know who was she, we have something for you! As we all know Gauri is not AbRam’s biological mother.

And when it’s about AbRam’s real mother many rumors come out!

But now according to the reports, the reality has revealed. The identity of AbRam’s mother has exposed.

If these reports are to be believed, AbRam’s surrogate mother is none other than Gauri’s close family member, means her sister-in-law.

Her name is Namita Chibber. She is married to Gauri’s brother living in London.

But this revelation is all based on the various reports’ speculations.

But there is no hard evidence of this.

It seems it would have had to be someone who could absolutely be trusted and that makes a family member a likely possibility.

But no one has publicly divulged the surrogate’s name.

Namita Chibber 10 Pics, Photos, Pictures

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Namita Chibber 10 Fast Facts, Biography, Wiki

Gauri and Shah Rukh Khan are fearless people who are to be applauded for this choice.

They had tried unsuccessfully for two years for Gauri to be able to bear them another child.

The couple discussed adoption but were recommended the surrogate clinic they eventually chose by Salman Khan’s brother who had used the same clinic for the surrogate child he and his wife had.

The identity of surrogate mothers is protected.

It doesn’t matter anyway who she was because all she does is have the fertilized egg implanted in her womb and carries it 9 months for the biological parents…in this case, Gauri and Shah Rukh Khan.

The child is their biological child in every way.

Abram Khan was born premature and weighed only 1.5 kg at birth.

He had to be kept in special care for one month before the Khans were allowed to take him home.

During that time, his mother Gauri Khan kept close and vigilant watch over him, barely leaving his side at the hospital.

Shah Rukh did not keep Gauri from carrying his child….she was unable to do so.

What he did do was find a way to bless their family with their own biological son when there was no other way.

Remember Gauri was already in her 40’s and at a rather dangerous age for carrying babies.

They are to be applauded as a couple whose love and courage caused them to be willing to step over lines of stigma and disapproval to bless their family and each other with the child they so deeply wanted and loved.