Robert Irwin Pics, Shirtless, Biography, Wiki

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Robert Irwin 10 Personal Facts, Biography, Wiki

Australian television personality

Born: December 1, 2003 (age 17 years), Buderim, Australia

Citizenship: Dual (Australian and American)

Parents: Steve Irwin, Terri Irwin

Siblings: Bindi Irwin

Birthday: December 1, 2003

Age: 17 Years, 17 Year Old Males

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Born In: Buderim, Australia

Famous As: Television Host & Wildlife Enthusiast

Father: Steve Irwin

Mother: Terri Irwin

Siblings: Bindi Irwin

Robert Irwin 10 Pics, Photos, Pictures

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Robert Irwin 10 Fast Facts, Biography, Wiki

There were rumours that Robert and the teenage wildlife photographer Tess Poyner were building a relationship after they met at the Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year Awards in Adelaide.

They had uploaded many photographs of themselves together on Instagram that made fans speculate.

His sister, Bindi, is also a good friend of Tess and has encouraged their friendship.

However, Robert has denied having any romantic relationship.

Robert loves to be with animals and is an outdoor person with hobbies like mountain biking, palaeontology and photography.

His father was known as the Crocodile Hunter.

Robert Irwin was born on 1 December 2003, the younger of two children and the only son of Steve and Terri Irwin.

His father died from a stingray injury to the heart while filming an underwater documentary when Robert was two years old.

Robert is the grandson of naturalist and animal conservationist Bob Irwin.

Robert and his sister, Bindi, were homeschooled at Australia Zoo.

He is a dual citizen of Australia (through his father and birth) and the United States (through his mother).

His ancestry is English and abundance of Irish on his father’s side.

During a public show on 2 January 2004 when Robert was one month old, his father carried him in his arm while hand-feeding a chicken carcass to a 3.8-metre (12 ft 6 in) saltwater crocodile.

Robert was close to the crocodile and the incident sparked comparisons in the press to Michael Jackson’s dangling of his son, Prince Michael Jackson II, outside a German hotel window.

The incident prompted the Queensland Government to change its crocodile-handling laws, banning children and untrained adults from entering crocodile enclosures.

Robert Clarence Irwin was born on December 1, 2003 and the abundance of energy he brings to Australia Zoo is contagious! Along with a huge affinity for nature, he has a love for wildlife photography, conservation and teaching people about the importance of the natural world.

Robert’s favourite animals are crocodiles.

He educates thousands of guest about these apex predators by showcasing their natural behaviour in Australia Zoo’s daily Wildlife Warrior show.

He is also part of the annual Australia Zoo crocodile research trip on the Steve Irwin Wildlife Reserve in far north Queensland, helping the experienced croc team catch and tag crocodiles with tracking devices before releasing them back into the wild.

Robert is always keen to learn all he can about the biology and behaviours of these modern-day dinosaurs!

He is passionate about his work at Australia Zoo, especially when it comes to reptiles – learning from his mum, Terri, and our amazing zoo team.

There is nothing he enjoys more than helping care for our huge family of animals, whether that’s training a Komodo dragon, feeding a crocodile or wrangling a snake.

If Robert isn’t to be found with a camera poised in front of his face, lining up the perfect image, he will probably be found out mountain biking on his favourite trails around the Glass House Mountains.

Robert continues to support conservation projects around the world with his family in locations all across the globe from the African savannah, to the Sumatran jungle, and the mangroves of Far North Queensland.

He is always enthusiastic to share his love of wildlife and wild places, in the hope that he may inspire others to help conserve our planet for the future.