Shadab Khan Pics, Age, Photos, Biography, Pictures, Wikipedia

shadab khan pictures

Pakistani cricketer

Conceived: October 4, 1998 (age 21 years), Mianwali, Pakistan

ODI debut (top 211): 7 April 2017 v West Indies

Test debut (top 227): 30 April 2017 v West Indies

T20I debut (top 73): 26 March 2017 v West Indies

Last ODI: 9 October 2019 v Sri Lanka

Bowling: Leg break

Shadab Khan (brought into the world 4 October 1998) is a Pakistani cricketer who plays for the national team.

He was conceived in Mianwali, a city in northwest Punjab, Pakistan.

In August 2018, he was one of thirty-three players to be granted a focal agreement for the 2018–19 season by the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB).

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Shadab Khan is a Pakistani cricketer who plays in every one of the arrangements of the game for the national group.

He was conceived on 4 October 1998 in Mianwali, Punjab, Pakistan. Shadab is an all-rounder, however basically a correct arm leg-break bowler.

Shadab by and large bowls in a non-forceful style and uses his trickiness to fox the batsman as opposed to going for the ball.

His bowling includes wide-point conveyances that have the capacity of trip just as the level track.

Shadab moved to Rawalpindi at 12 years old and turned into a standard player in his school cricket crew.

He later joined the National Cricket Academy in Lahore to gain from previous Pakistani greats like Mushtaq Ahmed and Abdul Qadir.

He glanced relentless in his development and was supported to be chosen for the U-19 World Cup in 2016.

Abdul stuck out, of course, finishing the competition as the most elevated wicket taker regardless of Pakistan’s exit.

He was before long chosen for the national group at an extremely youthful age.

He has spoken to the accompanying groups Rawalpindi Rams, K-Electric, Khulna Titans, Brisbane Heat, Islamabad United,

Pakistan Under-19s, and Trinbago Knight Riders.

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Shadab Khan made his universal presentation for the senior side on 26 March 2017 against West Indies in a T20 global.

He amazed everybody by getting three wickets while yielding only seven runs in his four overs.

Shadab later made his ODI debut on 7 April 2017 against West Indies and got two wickets, going for 52 runs in nine overs.

Shadab Khan was given a test top on 30 April 2017 in a similar voyage through West Indies. He got a wicket in the principal innings

and scored 16 runs in what ended up being a misfortune for Pakistan. It remains the main test played by Shadab.

Shadab Khan was a fast student and began to develop at an amazing pace.

His ability created an immense scene in the global turf and brought about his choice at a period of only 18.

Shadab’s global vocation started with T20Is and was likewise very fruitful in ODIs.

Shadab’s global presentation has so far been his best execution in a T20I as he additionally turned

into Pakistan’s most youthful ever cricketer to get four wickets on debut.

The presentation in the introduction and following games earned him a spot in Pakistan’s 2017 Champions Trophy winning side.

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Shadab additionally ended up being a dependable batsman for Pakistan and scored his lady 50 years on 16 October 2017 against Sri Lanka.

This 50 years arrived in a strong association of 109 with Babar Azam which helped Pakistan beat Sri Lanka by 32 runs.

Shadab stood out as truly newsworthy with a Player of the Series grant in the voyage through West Indies.

He had 10 wickets to his name in four matches.

Shadab Khan played his first residential counterpart for Islamabad in the 2016 Pakistan Cup.

He proceeded to play his T20 matches for Rawalpindi, before marking for the Trinbago Knight Riders in the Caribbean Premier League.

Shadab’s exhibitions earned him an agreement for the Brisbane Heat in the Big Bash League.

Conceived: October 4, 1998

Tallness: 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m)


Job: All-rounder, Bowler/Leg break, Right-gave Batsman

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shadab khan pictures

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shadab khan pictures